Kids & Students
Narrate News
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Kids & Students
Narrate News
3.23.25 - Avoiding an Unwarranted Collision Course
3.16.25 - Kimberly Collins and the Enneagram
3.9.25 - Lent 2025: What Does the Saboteur Sound Like?
3.2.25 - What’s the value of a battle won?
2.23.25 - An Illusion of Control
2.16.25 - who is really well off?
2.9.25 - Who? Me?
2.2.25 -
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - What’s with souvenirs?
1.26.25 - For the sake of others
1.19.25 - Following Jesus into grace
1.12.25 - The Lion, THe Witch and the Wardrobe - is the world enchanted?
1.5.25 - Theophany 2025: the with-god life
12.22.24 - Advent with Narrate - Catharsis Via VOCATION
12.15.24 - Advent, Fasting and the poor - Lacey Maloney
12.8.24 - Advent with Narrate - Taking god back
12.1.24 - Advent with Narrate - a people of hope? a people of hope despite the crud?
11.10.24 - Kind, Conciliatory & Convicted - Core Identity 101
11.3.24 - Kind, Conciliatory & Convicted - Daniel’s Secret Sauce?
10.27.24 - Kind, Conciliatory & Convicted - The Great Sin
10.20.24 - Kind, Conciliatory & Convicted - Anxiety, Agency, and an Invite to Acknowledge God
10.6.24 - kind, conciliatory & convicted - one identity, two kingdoms
9.29.24 - Kind, Conciliatory & Convicted - God’s alternative timeline
9.22.24 - kind, conciliatory & convicted - living from a different identity
9.15.24 - what’s the definition of a hamburger?
9.8.24 - vision weekend - 15 years later, now what?
8.25.24 - Dunk & Dine sunday - Why baptism?
8.18.24 - ordinary time - real presence?
8.4.24 - ordinary time - the danger, and opportunity, of competing agendas
7.28.24 - ordinary time - Back to the fear of being average
7.21.24 - Ordinary Time - Solitude and Silence
7.14.24 - Ordinary Time - How Solitude Helps Us Know
6.30.24 - Gratitude Carries - Yada, Yada, Yada
5.5.24 - Why the Struggle?
4.28.24 - For The Love of Children
4.21.24 - 50 Days of Easter - Two Questions
4.14.24 - 50 Days of Easter - What if You Only Have Two Options?
3.31.24 - 50 Days of Easter - How Might God Be Scaring You?
3.24.24 - Lent - We’re Embarking On A Journey
3.17.24 - Lent - A Parallel Option
3.10.24 - Lent - A More Christian View of Death
3.3.24 - Lent - In Search of Wisdom
2.4.24 - Simply Put, What is A Christian? -
What if We Paid More of Our Attention to Faith, Hope and Love?
1.28.24 - Simply Put, What is a Christian? - What are the Cardinal Virtues and How Might They Help?
1.21.24 - Simply Put, What is a Christian? - What if the Goal is Union?
1.14.24 - Simply Put, What is a Christian? - Is There A Problem?
1.7.24 - Simply Put, What is a Christian? - The 12th Day of Christmas(ish)
12.17.23 - Advent - An Otherwise Illegal Supplement
12.10.23 - Advent - A Little More Space
12.3.23 - Advent - Seeing Life from an Advent Perspective
11.12.23 - The Bark Of The Bog Owl - Not If But When
11.05.23 - The Bark of the Bog Owl - Live The Life that Unfolds Before You
10.29.23 - The Gospel According To John - What if You Are Just Average?
10.22.23 - The Gospel According to john - The Most Important Thing About You Is?
10.15.23 - The Gospel According to John - What Do You Believe About God’s Providence?
10.1.23 - The Gospel According to John - What Is the Gospel?
9.17.23 - The Gospel According to john - Can I Get a Witness?
8.20.23 - What About Baptism?
8.13.23 - Ruth - To Be, Or Not To Be, Christian?
8.6.23 - Ruth - A Model Man (too?)
7.30.23 - ruth - Mischievous, Courageous obedience
7.23.23 - Ruth - Ummm, That is Not What I Had in Mind!
7.16.23 - Ruth - You Sent Me a Person?
7.9.23 - Praying In 4D - Praying Together?
7.2.23 - Praying In 4D - For Enemies?
6.25.23 - Praying In 4D - Telling Who to Do What?
6.18.23 -
Praying In 4D - Against Evil?
6.11.23 - Praying In 4D - To Be With (Gay Eyman)
6.4.23 - Praying In 4D - To Discern and Recommit To God’s Will
5.21.23 - Why Do We Care About Birthdays
5.7.23 - It Sticks With You - Living With Paradox
4.23.23 - It Sticks With You - He, or That Which, Shall Remain Unnamed
4.9.23 - Easter
4.2.23 - Did You Miss It?
3.26.23 - Lent - Active Waiting
3.19.23 - Lent - What’s Your Liturgy?
3.12.23 - Lent - Did You Hear That?
3.5.23 - Lent - Endearing sojourner
2.26.23 - Lent - It Won’t Be Long
2023 Lent Lectionary Readings
2.19.23 - It Sticks With You - An Embrace of Both Unity and Holiness
2.5.23 - It Sticks With you - Can Adults Have Invisible Friends?
1.22.23 - It Sticks With You - The Ox and the Ass
1.15.23 - IT sticks With You - May I Join You?
1.8.23 - Feast of Theophany
12.18.22 - A Scary Question
12.11.22 - Advent - This Sucks, But I’ll Be Okay
12.4.22 - Advent - Can you Hear That Too?
11.27.22 - Advent - A God Who Says, “Wait!”
11.13.22 - Your Mental Game - What Does Community Mean to You?
11.6.22 - Your Mental Game - What’s the Role of Prayer?
10.30.22 - Your Mental Game - How Do We Give Boundaries to Screens and the Internet?
10.16.22 - Your Mental Game - Thinking Well About Human Agency
10.9.22 - Your Mental Game - What’s The Value of Moralizing Worry?
10.2.22 - Your Mental Game - What if a Strong Mind is Possible?
9.25.22 - Your Mental Game - What is the Role of Nutrition and Exercise?
9.18.22 - Your Mental Game - What if Courage Is A Cardinal Value?
9.11.22 - Your Mental Game - What if Thinking Isn’t Optional?
8.28.22 - What If Narrate Ceased to Exist Tomorrow?
8.21.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - There’s Becoming a Disciple and Then There’s Becoming a Disciple
8.14.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - Famous Last Words, Well, Kind of
8.7.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - Ready or Not?
7.31.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - Signs of the Times
7.24.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - The Tree Incapable of Becoming a Goat
7.17.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - Hot Potato, Hot Potato
7.10.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - Scary Things: Accountability
6.12.22 - The Gospel According to Matthew - The Jesus Prayer
5.15.22 - The Gospel According To Matthew - Jesus, More than a Ramrod