Every Sunday, your local church gathers in downtown Helena, MT at the historic Grandstreet Theatre at 9:00 and 10:45 AM for Sunday services. To us, “gathering” at Sunday services are the means, not the end, to our spiritual growth and development. While we work hard to create Sunday experiences that are meaningful, we know these services act as a launch pad for a life with God the other six days of the week. (We call this “scattering.”)
What can you expect at a Sunday experience?
Every week we start with a handful of songs led by our exuberant, skilled band of musicians. After about 15 minutes of music, one of our pastors teaches for 30 minutes. We almost always conclude with two more songs and communion. Our gatherings last for 65 minutes. Delicious coffee and tea is free and available to everyone in attendance.
“ A place to feel secure in what you believe, challenged in your doubts, and confident in vulnerabilities. You might not have physical elbow room at the Grand Street Theater, but this group of the body of Christ understands emotional elbow room. They will make every effort to meet you where you are.”
— J. Collins