Welcome to Narrate
What can you expect on Sundays?
Services: 9:00am & 10:45am
Every week we start with a handful of songs led by our exuberant, skilled band of musicians. One of our pastors teaches for 30 minutes. There’ll be more music, prayer, you’ll have the chance to take communion, and we’ll close with one more song. Gatherings are typically 65 minutes.
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Why Lent? First off, “Why Lent?” is not intended to imply “mandatory Lent”. If you’re not compelled to observe lent this year, no problem! But back to the question, “Why Lent?”. Without getting into the long history of Lent, we do well to think of Lent as an opportunity to get hyper-focused. The ultimate focus is the cross, Easter Sunday, and Jesus’ dream for a people once again animated by his Spirit and living in His Kingdom. Jesus made the way, and Lent is a way people can get hyper focused on living as new creation people in the world.
You could say we all drift. You could say we’re all works in progress. You could say we’re all prone to forget. Lent is a historic way followers of Jesus have set aside the 40 days before Easter to create more space for God.
We create space by fasting.
We create space by abstaining.
We create space by giving more time and attention to Scripture, prayer, repentance and grace.
This year around Narrate we’re providing a handful of options.
Ash Wednesday: March 5th we’re hosting Ash Wednesday gatherings at 12:10 and 5:40pm at 326 Fuller Avenue. Ash Wednesday kicks off the Lenten season and will include music, scripture, a message and the opportunity for communion and/or ashes on your forehead.
Sunday Gatherings: from March 9 through April 13th the weekly messages will be based upon Scriptures that focus on Lent, especially a call to sharpen our focus on God. To this end, you may choose to read the lectionary during each of the 40 days of Lent.
Pray the Morning Office: March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 and 16th we’re going to worship, hear scripture and pray (the morning office) at 326 Fuller from 12:10 to 12:40pm. Each of the 6 gatherings will be led by a different pair of Narrate owners, along with music from Leslie.
Good Friday: We’re hosting Good Friday gatherings at 12:10 and 5:40pm at 326 Fuller Avenue. Good Friday focuses on the day Jesus was crucified on the cross and invites reflection around one’s own need for God’s loving kindness.
Our Mission:
Gather & Scatter
Our mission is to be a vibrant local church in Helena that helps Christ-followers follow, makes Jesus accessible to unchurched and dechurched people, and tells a story of common grace to the community at-large.
Get Involved
How can I connect? From day one we’ve abided by the principle that says, “If you start with relationships, you’ll never get to serving others, but if you start with serving others, you’ll get to relationships.” With that in mind, we’ve purposely created an imperfect relational model, namely, come serve with us and in time you will meet the kinds of people you care to get to know on a deeper level. To be sure, there are many “small groups” and deep friendships around Narrate, but we’ve made a point to allow them to emerge as a result of serving people together. We see the organization’s role as providing platforms upon which friendships can emerge.
We also value leaving space for people to hide. Some people visit a Sunday gathering eager to meet people, while others choose to hide. Those that choose to hide want to be the last in the door and the first out. Sometimes people need to exist this way for years before deciding they’re ready to connect. We value creating space for people to hide because we value creating experiences that allow people to rethink their core beliefs about life and God. All this means is that when you’re ready to connect, the culture is predicated upon you being an activator. This means you’ll need to be more invested in your need to form relationships than we are.
Connect with staff
We as a staff would love to meet with you for coffee, lunch, a walk, or just time to spend together.
Upcoming opportunities
If you’re ready to connect with Narrate and people in your community, we’d love for you to serve with us on Sundays by jumping onto one of our Sunday Teams (Set Up, Band, Hospitality, Kids, Tech, Tear Down) or by Scattering with us.
Narrate Church exists because our owners and members of our community decide to give their time and money. If you’d like to learn more about supporting Narrate through your time, talents, and treasures, we’d be thrilled to have that conversation.
Missed the gathering or want to check us out more? We post that Sunday’s sermon at 5:00pm the same day. We also post “Beyond Sunday” episodes Fridays at noon where Adam and Narrate staff provide thoughtful content to help you dive deeper into your life with Christ.